About us

Founded in 2021, Iknaio provides operational services around the open-source analytics platform GraphSense. It consists of an API for highly efficient forensic tasks and an interactive dashboard that allows users to visualize and understand cryptoasset flows. All services are hosted in Europe. Iknaio offers these services to investigators from national authorities, law enforcement agencies, security companies, and the payment industry to help them uncover and trace criminally relevant crypto-based transactions in detail. Iknaio also offers several customer-specific extensions built on top of GraphSense.

Dr. Bernhard Haslhofer

Bernhard has been leading research and development around GraphSense for more than six years, is a primary contributor to the open-source code base, and is a co-founder of Iknaio. He has a Ph.D. in Computer Science, spent his PostDoc years at Cornell University, and has been working in cryptoasset analytics since the early days of Bitcoin. He also leads the CryptoFinance research group at the Complexity Science Hub Vienna.

Dr. Ross King

Ross King is a co-founder of Iknaio and is responsible for research funding. He leads the AIT unit "Data Science & Artificial Intelligence" and has coordinated multiple international projects focused on cryptocurrencies. He has a Ph.D. in physics from Stanford University.

Matthias Rella

As an expert in Web technologies, Matthias Rella is a primary contributor and responsible for GraphSense's REST API development and its Dashboard and client tools. He holds master's degrees in Computer Science and Linguistics and has worked in Web-based information management for more than ten years.

Rainer Stütz

Rainer Stütz has 15+ years of extensive experience in data crunching. He is also a primary contributor to GraphSense and is responsible for backend development and large-scale analytics. His background is in applied mathematics, and he has a keen interest in computational statistics and big data.

Michael Fröwis

Michael Fröwis has 5+ years of experience in cryptoasset analytics. He is about to finish his Ph.D. in Computer Science, at the University of Innsbruck. His main research interest are program analysis techiques for cryptoasset analytics. During his studies he worked on multiple international research projects focusing on law enforcement in the crypto-space.

Artemiy Malyshau

Artemiy Malyshau is an undergraduate at King's College London studying Electronic Engineering, specializing in computing and mathematics. He works as a Data Scientist at Iknaio, primarily focusing on Cryptoasset Analysis, having previously contributed to the GraphSense TagPack infrastructure.

Karl Zettl

Karl Zettl is co-founder and CEO of Iknaio Cryptoasset Analytics GmbH and is responsible for sales and marketing and business development. He has been working in different management positions in project management, business development, and sales for more than 15 years, focusing on the payment industry for CEE and DACH region.